Rensselaer Massage & Holistic Therapies
Specializing In The Relief of Chronic Pain & Injury Recovery


Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy®

60 minutes: $114
30 minutes: $65

Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy® is great for people that have any type of soreness, stiffness, inflammation, damaged soft-tissue from an injury, stress, as well as joint and muscle pain.

Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy® is designed to cause corrective changes to damaged or adherent muscles in the adjacent soft tissues. They improve circulation that results causes changes on the cellular level, not only to the muscles involved but also to any soft tissue that may have been afflicted by the impaired circulation.  Where muscles have become "dry", PDMT® brings lymphatic fluid towards the muscle cell. The lymphatic fluid acts as the liquid medium required for osmosis and cellular exchange on the capillary level.

 Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy®  relieves entrapment of nerves, and it also aids in moving out toxins and congestion that may have been accumulated in damage muscles and soft tissue, thereby reducing edema and inflammation, as well as reducing pain. It promotes detoxification on a cellular level, thus improving cellular function. It softens hard fibrous muscles which restricts joint range of motion, thereby "throwing off" the body's proper structural alignment.

Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy®  provides a dramatic form of passive exercises for those who have been injured or ill.  Combining PDMT with traditional treatments of specific condition or disease offers an added edge that can speed recovery and promote maximum impairment where traditional treatment leave off. 

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